(OT) : Join Volunteers In-Service to Prez Obama
Ahh izza duin sum cleenin uppas anna sum vaccumin anna sum stratein
uppas inna ma hoyse, ahcose ittsa tu kold outchsyde.(it's global
warming, dontcha just know!.The Mississippi State Fair which is going on
in Jackson right now has extended the Fair an extra day because of all
that rain and cold weather we have been having over here.One of those
food vendor guys at the Fair said he lost about $27,000 because of the
rain) Ma Sony Wega Trinitron twinty seben eencha scyreen CRT teevee set
izza onna dee Travel channel.Cutie pie Samantha Brown wuzza ahhtalkyn tu
ahh restaurant owner/management guy innza Chicago.He sayd, We have Road
Kill on the menu tonight.
Road Kill!
cuhulin, tiypee talkee lykee ahh embacyl