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Old October 18th 09, 06:27 PM posted to,,
Editor RadioTalkingPoints Editor RadioTalkingPoints is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
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Default Obama creates 30,000 jobs with $787 Billion tax dollars

On Oct 18, 10:47*am, BarackHuessinObama mmm mmm mmm
Jobs “saved or created” from $787 billion Porkulus: 30,083

We’ve long criticized the Obama administration measure of jobs “saved
or created” by their economic policies as ridiculously ambiguous.
That seemed confirmed when the White House announced last month that a
million jobs had been “saved or created” by the stimulus package,
without any supporting data. *This week, the administration finally
supplied the data, and the number came to less than 1/30th of their
September claim:
The first direct stimulus reports showed that stimulus contracts saved
or created just 30,083 jobs, prompting more Republican criticism of
the $787 billion package.
The data posted Thursday was the result of the government’s initial
attempt at counting actual stimulus jobs. Obama administration
officials stressed that data was partial — it represented just $16
billion out of the $339 billion awarded — but they said it exceeded
their projections.
“All signs — from private estimates to this fragmentary data — point
to the conclusion that the Recovery Act did indeed create or save
about 1 million jobs in its first seven months, a much needed lift in
a very difficult period for our economy,” said Jared Bernstein, the
chief economist for Vice President Joe Biden.
Well, which $16 billion are we talking about? *And where did the rest
of the $339 billion, almost half of the Porkulus appropriation, go?
Why didn’t the administration show that information to make the
argument that the other $329 billion had the exact same effect as the
$16 billion it highlighted in its initial report?
At the rate shown by this report, this comes to almost $532,000 per
job “saved or created”. *Extrapolating that over the entirety of the
Porkulus spending, the bill would only “save or create” 1.48 million
jobs, and that assumes that it actually did “save or create” those
jobs in the first place.
Now, let’s assume for the sake of argument that the jobs we “saved or
created” pay the national average salary of $50,000 and are
permanently saved or created, a very generous assumption consider the
kind of temporary hiring that we have seen from this effort. *If each
of these jobs paid an effective federal income tax rate of 15%, it
would take over 70 years for them to pay back the money we spent on
Porkulus, and that doesn’t count the interest we will pay on those
funds. *At a 20% effective tax rate, it would take over 53 years.
And all of that assumes that the program works exactly as the
adminstration claims. *On that score, I’ll let Ken Spain have the last
“Despite numerous promises from Congressional Democrats, there are
still 15.1 million Americans out of work,” said Ken Spain, spokesman
for the National Republican Congressional Committee. “After wasting
taxpayer dollars to produce an unimpressive 397 jobs in Michigan,
middle-class families are still asking one thing: Where are the jobs?”

This stimulous package is what has destroyed jobs, or is in the
of destroying the Democrat majority in Congress, and ultimately,
the possible early removal of Barack Obama from office?

What does Las Vegas say, don't they have a bet running somewhere? LOL.
Too much information is in the dark, and anyone who bothers to think
it, will see it this way? I would not be surprised? The stimulous
package did
ten times more damage to the economy than the 9/11 event? Why was
the 9/11 event focused around the world trade center? You still don't
the possibly obvious connection, do you?

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