Any Idea who is on 10140?
On Oct 19, 12:17*am, dave wrote:
dxAce wrote:
vk4tj wrote:
Songs sound Russian, voiceovers sound Asiatic.
Nothing heard here on 10140 but I can hear the Chinese jammer against Sound of
Hope on 10210 at 1040.
I monitor 10140 24/7. *The only voice I ever hear are Mexican fishing
boats. *Its a CW/Digital ham band, and OTH radar. *I suspect you have an
intermod image of some sort.
No, I'm pretty experienced at this sort of stuff - experienced enough
to know it's real, there etc. North Korea used to braodcast there
(how many of you logged THAT one? :-). That's why I watch that
frequency from time to time. I'm an amateur, active with the region 3
Intruder Watch.