Why local police should never have legal authority over any radio
On 17 oct, 00:24, radioguy wrote:
This concerns both ham radio and cb radio and possibly others.
Imo, the FCC made a mistake by allowing local police authority over CB
Police should never have that authority. There have already been
incidents over it.
One cop made posts attempting to show why local police have autrhority
over (what the did not have authority over) and why they should be
allowed to do so.
But in doing so, he only proved to those in the know why local police
like him and local police departments like his should never have any
authority over CB, ham, frs,gmrs, and any other radio *the FCC allows
the general public to use.
When asked how he can tell what is a legal radio and not and whether
he was trained or not,
he replied his police department was trained in such matters and that
after stopping a driver for a possible illegal radio or after entering
someone's home in a rfi interference case, which the local cops have
all aithority under , to determine if the radio is legal or not, *with
the other local cops from the police department, if it has a FCC type
accepted sticker on the back, then it is a legal radio and the person
won't be arrested, but if it dpesn't have a fcc type acceptance
sticker on it, whether cb, ham, or any other type of radio, then the
person will be arrested, ticketed, and fined since that is proof
positive the person is guilty of both illegal activities and rfi.
Great, so what the cop just did, if that situation ever arised in his
jurisdiction, he just let all illegal cbers who modify legal fcc
certified/type accepted cbs to operate on the freeband and/or 10 meter
and 6 meter ham bands go scott free since there's either an FCC type
accrptance sticker or an FCC certified sticker on the back of the cb,
depending on when it was made, off scott free and free to continue
their federally illegal activities while arresting all legally
operating ham radio operators who have radios which don't say fcc
cerified/type approved on the back.
Such as if they built their own or imported one.
Then when asked how he would know if a person is a legal ham or not
since a legal ham who just passed the test doesn't have his license
yet, and the FCC says you can start transmittijng as soon as your call
letters appear in the FCC database, before you recieve your copy in
the mail, so in that case the legally operating ham doesn't have
anything to show to the officer anyway.
The cop replied that a ham who takes the test gets a CSCE , and must
ny law show the csce to the officer and that the csce is proof that
the person is indeed transmitting legally.
Great, so the officer just let a guy who only took the test on a bet
with his friend on whether he can pass the tech test or not, but has
not had any call letters appear in the FCC uls database yet let alone
recieved in the mail, off scott free after catching him illegally
transmitting on ham radio frequencies without a valid legal call, but
using phony made up calls he looked up in the callbook, qrz, or the
fcc uls database.
despite what the cops say and think, a CSCE is NOT proof that you are
operating legally and NOT proof you are allowed to transmit.
A perfectly legal ham who has just recently passed the test and has
had his call letters appear in the fcc database but has not recieved
his hard copy through the mail is legally allowed to transmit and does
NOT have anything to show the officer anyway that proves he is allowed
to transmit.
So the local cops are way out of line, and way out of their
jurisdiction to even require ANY license or ANY proof that any person
is allowed to transmit on ham radio.
They are also way out of line to even ask about it.
The same things are happening here in chile , about a year ago i was
forced to go outside the car because i had an 80 and 40 meter band
whips on the roof of my car , after being interrogated for almost an
hour , and inspecting my TS-50 HF radio they leave us , i even show
to them my ham licence. they didnt had a real reason for stopping
us . other day my mother was stopped because was carrying a K40 cb
antenna on the roof of the suv and a royce 639 cb , we have the legal
paperwork for the radio , but instead of asking for the cb permit (we
are one of the last countries that requieres cb permit) , they started
to make odd questions , it was a new SUV , they asked of she was able
to buy it and odd humilliating things like that , then they started to
bitch about the CB , for what was and etc , my mother also a ham
replied that was 100% legal to carry it having the CB , then she asked
for a higher ranking officer , the cops just let she . thats my
experience with cops and radios . i know a lot of third party
conflicts .