emcom wackers, you're STILL illegal
In article
radioguy wrote:
Then along comes emcom and appounts theirselves as heads in the same
so what now happens is
in case of an emergency, the heads appointed by emcom and neighborhood
watches will be fighting and arguing over who is in charge of the
emergencies and frs/gmrs channels.
as per FCC Rules, GMRS/FRS are Open Frequencies, and ALL Users MUST
yield the Frequency to Emergency Communications, on a Situation by
Situation Basis. So if one party has a "Safety of Life and Property
Situation ongoing on Frequency, then ALL OTHER Users MUST find alternate
Frequencies to use, while the SOL&P is ongoing. When the ongoing
situation is resolved, OR the local FCC EIC issues a Cease & Desist
Order, which ever comes first, then the frequency returns to an Open
Frequency, available for other communications.
There would be No fighting and arguing about who has the Frequency, as
it is Open Untill the First SOL&P Transmission, and then it stays with
that Party untill the SOL&P Issue is resolved, or a C&D Order from the
local FCC EIC, is announced.
This stuff is all resolved in the FCC Rules, already... NO harm, Ho