emcom wackers, you're STILL illegal
In article
radioguy wrote:
Hey Dufus, No, you just don't get it.....
more proof the wackers just don't get it.
Several neighborhood watches appointed certain people as head of frs/
gmrs communications in an emergency just like the wackers did except
thery're not wacked out.
this isn't about who self-Appoints who, to what, it is about, who starts
the FIRST Safety of Life and Property Communication on the OPEN
Frequency, Period....
In an emergency situation, they will tell the emcom wackers to get
off the channel because "it's an emergency and FCC rules require (the
wackers) to move off frequey in an emergency since they (the appointed
head of frs/gmrs neighbrhood watch in case of emergencies) is in
charge of running the emergency communications on frs/gmrs whenever
there's an emergency.
as Stated Above, The Station who initiates the FIRST SOL&P Communication
on ANY Open Frequency, controls that frequency, untill the SOL&P Issue
is resolved, OR the local FCC-EIC issues a Cease and Desist Order, which
ever comes first, PERIOD....
While the emcom wackers will tell the neighborhood watch frs/gmrs
emergency head to get off the channel because it's an emergency and
FCC rules require them to move since they the self-appointed emcom
person is in charge of frs/gmrs during an emergency.
In the case directly above, the emcom folks would be in violation of FCC
Rules, in that they would be interfering with SOL&P Communications in
progress, and therefore would be subject to Comm-Act 1934 as Amended,
prosecution, which can levy fines and imprisonment of $10KUS and 5 Years
in Prison per violation, and each interfered with communication is a
Then an argument erupts between all the emcom workers and all the
neighborhood watch people.
Any argument that erupted would be a violation of the SOL&P
Communication in Progress Rules and subject to Enforcement Action
under Camm-Act 1934 as Amended.
That IS a frequency fight.
Nope, this is all well understood, by everyone in FCC Enforcement, and
been in place for MANY Years, but apparently not by YOU..... You need to
learn a bit more, Sonny, before you blather on about things you don't