Mike K. filted:
Personally I'd like to keep Halloween apolitical. I'll agree not to
inflict my left-of-center, just-shy-of-Marxist beliefs on you, if
you'll agree not to inflict your right-of-center, just-shy-of-fascist
beliefs on me. I think everybody prefers candy to politics (or at
least most sane people do)
How long have you been *on* Usenet, anyway?...
Here's something the left-of-center will find funny (if not infuriatingly
on-point), and the right-of-center won't get:
And, in the interest of fairness, here's something the other side will find
equally amusing and thought-provoking:
(I don't have anything specifically suitable to shortwave radio, whatever the
reason is for it being included in this thread...sorry)....r
A pessimist sees the glass as half empty.
An optometrist asks whether you see the glass
more full like this?...or like this?