Kraven's Cook Book Info/Arrest Anniversary Bash
As per usual Krypto the Klown has stuck his snout where it doesn't
belong...I'll stand by my post that "the Kraven" berated a poor woman
over her cream sauce and stuffed pork loin over at rec dot cooking and
supposedly (going on recall now, can't locate the old post) told her
"read all about how to do it in my cookbook" or some such
verbage...If anyone has the capability to repost/research the thread
thanks in advance...I'd also like to know where I can find a copy of
said publication...
January 8th, 2010 Kombat Kraven Krammer Arrest Anniversary Bash
rec.knives, rec,cooking, sct,
Troll wrote..."...Jan 8th, a day that will live in infamy..."
"the Kraven" wrote " sure as Hell will..."
See you all there!!!