OK was that a Skin-Head Cult-of-Death ?
You should have heard Bill Cunningham on
KEX-AM 1190 kHz last night.
Comparing Neo-Nazi Skin-Head Aryan Racist
-wrt- Islamic Fascist Terrorist -aka- Muslim Extremists
-if- the Major was a Skin-Head would Prez Obama
be Talking about Tolerance and Understanding for
Skin-Heads ?
-if- Skin-Heads were known to be in the Enlisted
Ranks of the US Military would they be allowed
to Serve . . .
-if- The Skin-Head-Brotherhood were known to be
in the Officer Ranks of the US Military would they
be allowed to Stay in . . .
-if- Any and All the above was 'True' : Would the
US Congress sit-silently-by and Do Nothing to
Get Skin-Heads Out to the US Military ?
-if- Skin-Heads were on US Navy Nuclear Submarines
-if- Skin-Heads were in US Airforce Missile Silos
-if- Skin-Heads controlled US Army Tactical Nukes
? Would Prez Obama Be Preaching Tolerance
and Understanding ? - WAKE-UP AMERICA !
Reality Check :
Only Senator Joe Lieberman has stood-up and
called for a Congressional Investigation of Islamic
Extremists in the Ranks of the US Military and
the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood has
Infiltrated the Officer Corps of the US Military.