Too_Many_Tools wrote:
On Nov 18, 12:04 am, Too_Many_Tools wrote:
I just came across an used Radio Shack DX-394 receiver.
Is it worth getting?
What mods are available?
Is there a better (newer) receiver in the same price range that one
should look at?
Is there anyone out there that knows about shortwave radios?
Or should I post this elsewhere?
I prefer Yaesu myself. I have an FRG7700 and an FRG8800, both not having
been used for quite some years now. My daily listener is a Sony
ICF-SW7600, a very nice portable. The only Realistic/Radio Shack unit I
have is a scanner, a 400 Channel Pro2005.
The DX394 is a nice looking beast but it has gained a poor reputation
because of design deficiencies that were, to some extent, addressed in
the DX394b.
The site listed below has a number of modifications that might just
bring the 394 up to speed. If you're a tinkerer, handy with a soldering
iron and up to speed with SMDs, go for it.
Some owner opinions are here;
The dx394 even has its own fan club. Expect some biased opinions here.
As well as a lack of ability to control a tape recorder, other features
missing from this receiver include passband tuning, AM synchronous
modes, bandwidth selection, AGC options, memory scanning and computer
control. The receiver is clearly focused on the broadcast listener. The
meter buttons and the preset band limits for tuning within the
international broadcast bands show the intended purpose of this radio.
Given that a lot of the major broadcasters are giving up on shortwave,
you may want to be scouring the utility and amateur bands so this
receiver might be a bit limited for that purpose.
At the right price, I would buy one as it would suit me for use as a
bedside radio but little beyond that.
Hope this helps