Smokin Billy...Smoke This!
Krypsis wrote:
nurk_fred2000 wrote:
On Nov 17, 12:40 pm, LarbGai wrote:
On Nov 17, 6:13 pm, nurk_fred2000 wrote:
------ ) ~~~
******Like all the other ******* (Kramer, Brian Anasta, Krypto et al)
SmokingBilly Goat has faded into the oblivion they so richly deserve.
Who's next???????
***We've still got a couple of twits over at that
seem to keep coming back to the NG like a bad rash...barnard, dobbs,
and bill baka...we'll evetually run them out of the end
Trolls win...:-)
Since you mention me by name why aren't you on the list? I hate
cross-posting to 20 groups for a 2 line response.
Here's a nice little post from SCT, a conversation in fact, that wasn't
crossposted to RRS. If there ever was any doubt that Gregg's troll
buddies were out to harass specific people, this should remove it. I
wonder if it's a coincidence that the troll's victims are also people
Gregg likes to harass? Nah, Gregg would never invite trolls to RRS ...
or would he???
Still here.
Bill Baka