On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 18:56:07 +0100, "Ronald" wrote:
It started when the dummyload was too small for a job. It's for 40 mtrs.
But making it is barely possible. It should have a Zo of 50 ohms ? And what
about the Q factor ? Looking on my swr meter it gets better when i put my
hands near it and at a very small C rate but still in the red.
Anyone ?
Hi Ronald,
If you mean by "dummy load" something with a 50 Ohm match and
resistive (somewhat redundant to the 50 Ohms) then it has to be a
resistor (department of triple redundancy).
Finding a resistor that is sufficiently power rated is not a simple
(cheap) chore. Making your own will take time and ingenuity.
Caddock Electronics, Inc.
17271 North Umpqua Hwy
for resistors that will fill the bill - once you build the heatsink.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC