New Village Idiot SmokinBilly Welcome to Rec dot Radio
On Nov 25, 7:41*pm, Bill Baka wrote:
Brett_Delfs wrote:
On Nov 25, 4:13 pm, Bill Baka wrote:
nurk_fred2000 wrote:
On Nov 23, 4:38 pm, Brett_Delfs wrote:
On behalf on the Distinguished Troll Society I would like to
personally welcome SmokinBilly to may now
join the distinguished posters (and pot heads) Ph.dufi, Baka, Barney,
Dob and the rest of the bull sh%tters that try to pull the wool over
our eyes...Welcome to the group billy goat!
***smokinbilly goat is getting his perverbial @$$ wiped by the DTS
over at guy is a total tool and a terd of on everything and in reality doesn't know jack...oh, I
forgot, he knows how to refine a class 1 narcotic and smokes a lot of
dope (his words not mine)...:-)
Even though human stupidity amazes me, you come along and lower the bar
once more. I am also *not* on .knives or .thai so why do you want to
waste their time cross posting to them.
*They* should be blackballing you.
I'm on shortwave to try to have a few discussions about radio but even
it goes off topic.
Bye Nurk,
Break a leg.
No really, *DO* break one.
Bill Baka
*****C'mon over to Soc Culture Thai Baka. You've got quite a following
over here already. Seems we've found ourselves a new Klass Klown.
Blowhards of America, UNITE and make way for Smokin Billy Goat!
No real need to expand. You have Nurk already.
I don't worry about fools like him but I hate cross posting, which I
have to do to reply to you.
See, I don't intentionally cross post but answering the few idiots on
here gets me where I don't want to be.
No insult to other groups, just seems foolish to raise the noise level
in your groups.
I'm in shortwave hoping to pick up some information on radios, antenna's
and of course what frequencies are hot.
Knives? I can throw a knife or a lumberjack ax in a contest
(ax preferred) but don't see a need for a group with me in it.
Thai culture? I'm clueless and a trip over there is not in my immediate
plans. Maybe a work trip someday but on those you never get to mix enough..
Bill Baka
Oh yeah,
Cheers.- Hide quoted text -
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***You say you are in the radio group "hoping to pick up some info" on
radios...?...Bwahahaha Gruffster, you are a self proclaimed "engineer"
so you already know it all...Throwing knives and lumberjack axes,
ehhhh...EXPERT on that too no doubt...Clueless on Thai culture...?..,
We've finally found out something you know nothing about...?...OR do
you...?...Spent anytime at the CM Hillside Condos Gruff...?...See ya
at the Jan 8th Bash!...*grin*