Toronto Brewers want Peated Malt?
Tim Wescott wrote:
On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 06:52:37 -0800, BeeRich wrote:
Hi folks.
Any Toronto all-grain brewers want peated malt? I'm not brewing these
days, but I can whip up some peated malt for those that could use some
in a test brew. I used some at my professional brewery some time back,
but since it was shipped from the UK and moved around somewhat, it
didn't impart too much flavour.
In any case, let me know if you are interested.
In amateur radio parlance, "homebrew" means "to make one's own
equipment". It's a metaphor that _refers_ to the act of brewing one's
own beer -- it doesn't literally mean amateur radio operators who also
brew beer.
(Although I'll bet that radio amateurs who build their own equipment are
also more likely to brew their own beer).
Hell the tank coils used in the old 200 meter spark days could have done
double duty in a still!