vhf pcb stripline swr plans wanted.
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November 21st 03, 11:32 PM
Gary Cavie
Posts: n/a
In article ,
In particular looking for dia/pcb layout, or the dimensions of, the sense of the strip lines, so that i can make swr meter..looking for
compact design, to take about 200w max. someone must have some/point me to
some plans..(save me having to think..)the rest is made, going to use it for
swr protect on an amp, so when i knock the antenna off my van again i dont
blow up $100 worth of transistors!!! moral here..slow down for low
thanks g0zen
May be of some use - Harry's Homebrew Pages -
Has a PCB VSWR bridge listed under useful circuits. According to the
text, should run up to 100w, but could well be a starting point for
further investigation
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