On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 17:24:03 +0000 (UTC), "Geoffrey S. Mendelson"
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
Yes. You'll bore the kids to death with such minutae and trivia.
Show them the Jay leno morse code versus texting clip.
The most effective song and dance I did in front of a Jr High Skool
class was tearing apart various cell phones, walkie talkies,
computahs, and consumer electronics to demonstrate that they should
not be afraid of such things. Unfortunately, the parents hated my
guts when the kids starting practicing what I showed them. Learn by
2nd best was dragging in my collection of old cell phones including an
IMTS control head, various bag phones, and an unbelievable brick like
handset that's VERY heavy. I also brought an early Motorola tube type
Breaky-Backy with wet cells inside. Some of the stuff still works.
Nobody was interested in Morse Code until I mentioned that it could be
used for "secret communications". That means that the parents and
teachers couldn't understand what the kids were saying. Lots of
interest (and potential problems) there.
The problem with todays version of ham radio is that it's really
boring. Nobody wants to talk to someone around the world, when they
can pickup a POTS or cell phone and do it with much less effort and
expense. With the demise of Heathkit, building radios is no longer a
draw. The magic of radio is gone. So, show them what they can do
with radio. Weather stations, APRS, satellite, construction, etc are
a good start.
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558