Originally Posted by chrismec
Hello all. In the building I work at I am unable to get any FM reception. However step outside and the reception is great. I would like to install an antenna up on the roof, pass the signal thru an amplifier an distribute the the signals to various work shops throughout the building. I envision needing the antenna of course, an amplifier and a tap for each coax running to the various shops. The only problem with this is most boom box's or pocket radios do not have an external antenna connection, which leads me to my question. In each workshop can I just hang an antenna (small dipole maybe) on the coax coming from the amplifier allowing me to pick up FM stations without a physical wired connection? I don't know if this is a ridiculous idea or not. Hoping some of you folks can give me some advice.
Why bother with running cables, wi-fi, etc? Simply put up a suitable outdoor TV antenna [how far away do you need to receive [local, medium distance, fringe, or far fringe?] Most all of the common older [on every homes rooftop] style TV antennas included the FM broadcast band. Include a 'antenna booster' but, rather than connecting the output [to TV] from the combination power supply/isolator, make a connection to another TV antenna placed INDOORS. You're taking the normally received signals, and essentially rebroadcasting them, but at a relatively low level. You'll probable have to convert the 75 ohm output, back to a 300 ohm impedance, to reconnect to the 'transmitting' antenna. A simple matching 300-75 ohm balun, does the trick. BTW, for the 'scanner folks', a outdoor TV antenna/booster works very well, for receiving quite a bit of the RF Spectrum. Add an antenna rotator, and you've got a receive 'beam' antenna. Been using this set up, ever since scanners became available.