Originally Posted by
Alex wrote:
Hi Everyone,
My brother recently purchased a Galaxy DX99V radio from a local pawn
shop for $100, and just looking for a CB radio to take over the road we
found this radio to be advertised as a 10m radio for ham operators
(which I am licensed, he is not), but it also does 11m for CB.
I'm still completely green with radios (been licensed for just 6 weeks
now), but it's my understanding that such a radio would be illegal. If
a device is type accepted for CB frequenies on 11m it would not legally
be able to transmit on 10m ham frequencies.
After reading some ads on this radio I'm seeing it advertised as a 10m
amateur radio, but looking at it it's obviously geared for CB radio
folks. I also can't see any sign that it's type accepted by the FCC.
With all this I'm guessing it's an illegal radio, but just thought I'd
ask if anyone can verify this.
We did test it, and yes, it can transmit on the CB channels amoung
Thanks --
it doesn't matter........the fcc don't really care. the robot voice is
really cool on that radio. i bought a robot-echo mic for use on my 2
meter moon bounce and it sounds great!
Basically, it boils down to personal INTEGRITY, MORAL OBLIGATION, and personal HONOR; and a willingness to comply with the simple FCC Rules and Regs. The 'exports' aren't certificated [formly type excepted] and as they can be modified for illegal purposes, aren't even legal, to be sold in the United States; no matter what else you may have heard or read. Do you really need to 'screw up' the RF spectrum for everyone else with units which, in the majority of cases would FAIL an honorable knowledgeable technicians' bench test? An automotive comparison, might be that you can own and drive a high performance sports car, but where can you legally 'open her up' and experience the cars full potential. Not too many places, without disregarding everyone elses well being. These exports are noted for out of band harmonics, along with a plethora of other technical problems. I personally maintain a high standard, and will NOT accept any of these units
for repair.