Dipole advice?
Once before I purchased a dipole at a hamfest and it was for all bands, I
forget all the dimensions and lengths but it was copper wire fed through
this 1:1 balun to coax. Rather long copper flat top style dipole, probably
60 foot each leg.
My option now is to replace the old copper wire and coax, but do I need to
use the balun?
I am looking at building the G5RV antenna style dipole but without the balun
but using the coax. I can connect it to the manual mfj tuner.
So what I am thinking is about 60 foot of coax, right from the tuner to the
split attachment of the two legs of copper wire. Both split about 50 foot in
the air at the top of the tower, then go to slop over the top of nearby
trees which are also about 45 or 50 foot tall. But there will be short
pieces (approx 10 foot) of left over ends that must slop over the trees and
come down the other side. Not enough room in the yard.
No balun, using the coax, only about 150 watts will every be used.
Any reasons why this is not a good idea? Seems most practical for my
situation here.
thanks for any tips
" Ron" wrote in message
Hi hi
thanks for the tips.
What about the dipole? I have a 1:1 balun and both ladder line and coax.
Which is prefered?
Also I wish to center feed the dipole at the top of the tower, approx 4ft
away from the tower itself and then I can put a leg at about 150 degrees,
not a straight 180 degrees. So a little bit offset but one leg can be
about approx 50 foot then begins to slop over a tree and then other is
about 60 foot before it begins to slop over a tree about same height.
The tuner has its own balun, I believe that is if I use the ladder line.
It is a manual mfj I think.
The pully is good idea, looking at the half sloper or taping into the
tower seems a bit complicated, all the houses around here are all aluminum
What about the balun and ladder line or coax? Which is preferred?
"dave" wrote in message
Ron wrote:
Just about to make a dipole and have enough parts to make but only want
climb once. 50 ft tower and lots of ladder line, coax, a 1:1 balun and
of copper wire and a nice manual tuner that has its own balun for hook
up to
either the ladder line or coax.
Any idea which is best possible and practical application? Should I use
ladder line or coax? Do I need the balun? I hope to use it for 10-160 as
this is what the rig is capable of.
Any advice or adeas or tricks of the trade are greatly appreciated, I
to only climb once, what works best?
50' tower screams HALF SLOPER.