Dipole Next To Home-Is That A Problem??
I'm finally getting ready to make the jump from 2m/70cm to an old Kenwood
TS-520SE which I purchased several years ago. My available antenna space is
very limited, and I'm therefore looking at a Van Gorden PD-4010 parallel dipole
(10/20/15/40, 66 feet long) or a Van Gorden "Shorty" Dipole (160-10 with
antenna tuner). The maximum run I have is about 70 feet (and I'll probably use
about 75 feet of RG-8). Unfortunately the dipole must run about 15 feet off
ground level and one half of the dipole would have to be run about a foot from
the side of a wooden house. Approximately 10 feet higher than the dipole on
the side of the house is a rain gutter (probably aluminum). Would this be a
problem? (high swr, etc.) Any suggestions are appreciated.