Convolution Tutorial
brent wrote:
On Dec 29, 7:44 am, brian whatcott wrote:
brent wrote:
Hi Brent,
maybe I am missing something.
The 1-D convolution outputs that you show don't seem quite right?
Brian W
could you be more specific?
When I examined the convolution of a sine wave and a pulse, the
trailing part of the output waveform after the pulse was processed,
seemed to have a random component od small amplitude round zero.
Brian W
I am sorry, but I don't see it. I can say that sometimes you have to
push the slider kind of slow to catch all the points. If the slider
is pushed too fast the program interpolates the points that were
I believe you have identified the issue: selecting pulse (That's the
wider one) and freq2 (that's the higher f), then if I pull the slider
too fast, the trace is jagged - which is as you say like hopping over
samples.... Pulling the slider SLOWLY fixes this right up!
Brian W