The following is the personal opinion of the author, who reserves the
right to republish this piece for profit, which you may read at your
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may publish or share this article (which must include this disclaimer)
for which you here by waive the ability to sue for any reason in whole
or in part in or outside of a court of law, if you do not agree, the
entire article is to be considered a work of fiction, since you
apparently want to live in an imaginary world.
"Conservative" Hutchison announced her "vision" for mega rail projects
in Texas? Since when do conservatives bank roll rail roads? Are not
rail roads one of the most profitable enterprises today, with large
monopolies? So why would that be the "vision" of a Governor? If it
was so profitable, or necessary, why can't the rail roads do it
themselves? Attention Definition Disorder?
Do Texans ride trains or drive pickup trucks with rebel flag stickers
on them?
Is she trying to finance a way for all the illegals who do not own
cars cheap transportation around Texas? Do you notice how she says
Rick Perry calls her a "champion" in her ads, but she does not give
Rick Perry credit for the 70% drop in crime due to his actions to fund
additional border agents (without help from Washington?)?
Have you lost touch with reality Mr. Cheney, or are you really a
rhino? Or is Mr. Cheney another person with a big head, who will not
admit his mistakes? Mr. Cheney, you ignored Hutchison's plan to
resign from Congress, and you still made the endorsement for her run
for Governor? Just cuz you said so?
We may be starting a new political party, with decentralized
conservatism as its foundation, which means that society is based on
individual responsibility, and the risk taking of the wealthy (who can
afford to loose) rather than the society based on the risk taking of
centralized socialist government (who seem bent on suicide?) who risk
everyone failing, not just their own wealth? We will study Andy Stern
for the next six months to figure out how to put it together? Choice
and competition, right?
We're hoping to educate Mr. Obama, are we seeing hints of redemption
coming soon?
Does Homeland Security include the Department of Financial Suicide
Prevention? I mean, I would just hate to see federal government
employees get IOUs for paychecks? But of course they all love to talk
about global climate change?
Have a great day in the Department of the Democrat Party Suicide
Center, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500, Suite Palin War
Room? We want a "better", "stronger" government? Why? What's wrong
with success? Don't trust the judgement of the citizens, or you don't
like people that say no? Ooops, there it is, Oooops there it went,
Speaker Pelosi on a Gulf Stream Jet, another dream killed by wasted
tax money spent?
The Democrat
PR machine, the next chew toy for our dogs of common
sense? Who let the dogs out, woof woof woof!