"Barry" wrote in message
I know this is a very long shot, but I wondered if anyone has a
geiger-muller tube lurking anywhere?
Perhaps you may know of a supplier or have an old geiger counter that you
may wish to dispose of?
Mr G4
Not sure if you've seen these but...
That one only responds to Gamma radiation, not Alpha and Beta particles. A
GM tube to detect all three has a different construction- in particular a
thin window which will pass Alpha and Beta particles which normally are
stopped quite easily.
If the Geiger counter is for private/demo use then sources will be an issue.
Alpha and Beta sources are quite common- smoke detectors use an Alpha source
(can't recall the name) and "Tritium" lights (as found in some signs,
compasses, watches etc.) are Beta sources.
I don't recall any readily available sources of Gamma radiation- although it
is used extensively in medicine.