Radio Shack Quitting Parts Business?
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November 27th 03, 02:32 PM
John Walton
Posts: n/a
I would add Allied
to that list -- their "break point"
for shipping is $25, they will ship via USPS Priority Mail (which is very
quick anyway). At any rate, who doesn't have a soft-spot in their heart for
old Allied with their Knight Kits from 4 decades ago!
"Bill Turner" wrote in message
On 26 Nov 2003 17:08:04 -0800,
(Howard) wrote:
One manager mentioned that components are no longer a real concern of
management and that he is under the impression that "parts" are on the
way out soon.
__________________________________________________ _______
I wouldn't be surprised. Radio Shack's only advantage, IMO, is they're
handy. If you don't mind mail order, you can get equal or better parts
and FAR better selection from Mouser or Digi-Key, and probably spend
less overall even when shipping is included. Get a catalog and give 'em
a try.
Bill, W6WRT
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