ARRL Exciter circuit from 1950's (?) ARRL Handbook
I am currently interested in restoring an old well-constructed homebrew
exciter which was built in the 50's from (I believe) an ARRLhandbook design.
It has a 6AG7 (osc) , 6V6 (doubler/tripler), 807 (PA) lineup with clamp tube
protection on the 807. It was intended to drive an 813 amplifier as far as
I know. It appears to have been used mainly on 15, 20 and 40m and is
crystal controlled. It was last used about 30 years ago but is in good
overall condition and the quality of the components used appears to be good.
I would appreciate any data on this design, particularly circuit
information. A pointer even to the original handbook article would be of
Thanks in advance for any asssistance.