SENATOR Scott Brown wants me to be a WINNER!
He wants me to be a winner! OUTSTANDING!
That's the feeling that I get listening to him, I don't feel like I am
getting lectured by Mr. Voodo Speech A Nomics?
We've got a cure for that you know? We're not waiting for Czars or
Botox member panels to create the solution? We'll start our own
rehabilatation program for "Voodo Speech A Holics"?
We'll call it "Voodo Speech Anyoymous"?
Here, fill in the blanks:
My name is ____________, and I'm a VOODO Speech - A - Holic?
Instincts tell me to use the oldest play in the book, with my slight
of hand, and false sense of responsibility that blames others, but
alas, no more! Today is a new day, I will never be the same, I am now
a valued member of the Rush Limbaugh Institutie for Advanced
Conservative Studies, and I will join Rush Limbaugh in advancing the
Truth, the American Way, Prosperity, Freedom, Life, Liberty and the
Pursuit of Happiness, until time itself ends?
Thank YOU , mmmm mmmm mmmmm Rush Hudson Limbaugh mmmm mmm mmmm!
SENATOR Scott Brown! Thumbs UP!