48,000,0000 butterflies were created or saved by Rush Limbaughtoday?
On Jan 22, 6:52*pm, Editor RadioTalkingPoints
According to White House Scientific Accounting Standards, it is
suggested, but not proven, that Rush Limbuagh saved or created the
spontaneous flight of 48 million wonderful looking butterflies, all
over the world, designed to pollinate the fresh skulls of mush with
necessary ideas needed to make themselves grow in confidence,
fidelity, experience, knowledge, and lucidity?
Thank you Rush!
mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm Rush Hudson Limbaugh mmmm mmmmm mmmmmm
imagine rush taking a sh*t and it coming out of his fat stinking ass
h*ole and how bad it would smell, and he never gets a clean wipe. He's
a fat piece of festering carp attached to a mouth.