"highlandham" wrote in message
My question : Can these wireless devices be re-tuned ,or have they now
become obsolete. The 700 MHz band is from 698 -806 MHz.
Some can, some can't -- I'm not sure anyone could really say the percentage
that are truly obsolete vs. re-tunable, as part of the original problem is
that few of these wireless mics were ever registered. The FCC has a list of
the *models* they know about he
For many organisations like churches this might become an expensive ruling.
You can actually find some very nice systems these days for a few hundreds
dollars, although I realize that for some churchs even that could be
expensive. If the FCC is smart, they'll provide plenty of time (many months)
between sending out notices to those who've been detected as violating the new
rules and actually prosecuting... since it doesn't look good at all to go
after, e.g., some small church that has been using some wireless mics for
years without problems and very likely never knew they weren't authorized to
do so... but now suddently they're the bad guys because Verizon or whoever
paid hundreds of millions to the feds to own that chunk of spectrum and they
darned well expect to be able to do so without squatters.
There are many web sites that make some mention of this issue... here's one
specific to churches: