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Old January 30th 10, 01:46 AM posted to,,uk.politics.misc
Editor RadioTalkingPoints Editor RadioTalkingPoints is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 161
Default Temp Contractor President Barack "Hasan" Obama still whining?

It's not a steel cage match? HA HA HA HA HA! 40 Senators represents
120 million people President Obama, not just a partisan agenda? You
expect us to watch you loot the country, attempt to trample all over
the US Constitution, attempt to take away our civil rights, rub our
noses in your media manure bragging about how you are going to tap
into our anger, and then have the gall to suggest to the Republicans
that there will be "consequences" for "obstruction" when your party
had all the votes it needed, Mr. College Guy?

Your dang right there's going to be consequences, in the words of Ron
White, "somebody's gonna take that check book from you"? I might not
know all the right words Mr. Obama, I might not know all the right
people, I might not know a lot of things Mr. Obama (yet), but once
you've tapped into that anger, do you expect me to draw designs for
bio-diesel power plants, de-salination plants, alternative energy, or
do you expect me to lead the brightest people in the nation to
preserve the torch of liberty, prosperity, and the American way of
life that needs no transformation?

You can't fight for the camera of America, you have to fight with the
heart of America, President Obama, and you are gonna get the most
spectacular, exciting, entertaining, ultimate smacketh downeth among
us, in the ring of ideas, cuz we're gonna seize the moment, and when
you are on your back, with stars in front of your eyes, and hands
waving in front of your face, because you can't see it coming, but you
know it is anyways, that sonic boom of truth, with "Mr. Cash" Axlerod
at your ring side, crying in tears....

Wutch ya gonna do, when Rush Limbaugh, and all the little
Conservomaniacs, go running WILD ON YOU? It's time to play the
game ............


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