how can I get a refund on my illegal FCC-approved type accepted radios here in the U.S.?
FYI, the FCC rules state mostly that is illegal to import, manufacture,
sell, possess and use such illegal equipment.
The most common of these violations occur when a radio is produced to be
used on the 10 or 12 meter ham radio band. With the capability of being
used on the 11 meter band which is known "Citizens Band" (CB).
The FCC routinely tests these radios and if the find any way that it can
transmit on 11 meters, it is classified as illegal. Manufacturers do so to
avoid the "type accpetance" requirement and to sell their radios to
enthusiasts known as "truckers". Buying one can cost you $10,000 and the
loss of your radio.
For the law itself, read up on "illegal CB radios".