Laura Halliday wrote:
Why are you only looking on the web? Does your school
not have a library?
He's probably looking because the web tends to be more efficient in its
searches than any library (i.e., Google searches the contents of web pages
themselves, whereas libraries are only able to search via titles or
sometimes summaries) and also because the web tends to be have its eye a
little more bent towards practical applications rather than strictly
theoretical concerns (something that libraries are filled with!). Of
course, I'd never suggest a library isn't a wonderful resource as well, just
giving you some insight from someone who's spent plenty of time in both.
There are zillions of papers on the subject out there.
Yes, but unless he uncovers one that's specifically meant to be a review of
well-known subjects or tutorial in nature (such papers do of course exist,
but they're few and far between given that most professional journals are
aimed at publishing new research), he'll be wasting his time since it's
clear he needs some pretty introductory material at this point.
Sorry if this sounds unkind, it's just that a lot of students I know have
wasted tons of time trying to understand journal articles when what they
really need is a good textbook.
I do like your suggestion to check out some of the trade magazines such as
RF Design, however!
---Joel Kolstad