lou wrote:
anyone have info about a monarch tube stereo? SMX-52AC.
You might do better to ask in
was monarch similar to other japanese companies such as pioneer?
Monarch was an actual manufacturing company in Japan, and a lot of their
equipment was sold in the US under various house brands. They were smaller
than the big guys, but they started in the big Japanese electronics boom in
the early sixties and lasted at least until the late 1970s.
They didn't made a lot of different receiver models but they made some guitar
amps and pedals as well. I don't know your model, but their tube receivers
were typical Lafayette-grade equipment... undersized output transformers and
undersized power supplies.
There may be a Sam's on your unit. Sam's listed some of the Monarch stuff.
That's the first place I would look.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."