Recommendations - 12 / 13.8v Power Supply, ~ 5 amp?
"D. Peter Maus" wrote:
On 2/10/10 12:38 , bpnjensen wrote:
Hi, folks - If you please, I am looking for recommendations for a PS
that will provide the usual 12 or 13.8v, about 5 - 7 amps be plenty.
Love to get rid of the myriad 500 ma wall-warts. I'd rather not have
it be too expensive, but it would be nice if it didn't send spikes,
blow up or cause hash or electrical hum. Any thoughts? There is a
plethora of manufacturers and models, reviews are all over the place,
I have no idea which ones are OK. Pyramid makes a 5-amp job that
would be great, if it's any good. I also see Radio Shack PSs at about
twice that current. Would a switching PS be better?
Thanks in advance ~
Bruce Jensen
A switching supply may actually become another source of hash,
depending on shielding, which usually, isn't so good. There are
measures to attenuate the noise, though. It takes some doing.
Definitely not plug an play, if noise is a issue.
I replaced my wall warts in the radio room with an Astron VS-20M.
Serious power. Serious regulation. Very clean power. Nice listening.
I use an Astron RS-20M here to power the Drake R7.
Go to and look at some of the Tenma supplies.
Cost effective, and they do what you need.
There are dozens of other makes.
Things to look for:
Voltage range.
Range of current delivery and at what voltages max current is
Meters for both current and voltage are nice. (Volt meter more
important than current meter. If you dial up the right voltage, the
radios will only take the current they need. Anything beyond a
modest current reserve can be dialed back for safety. Without a
current meter, if you dial back the current output of the power
supply below the draw, you'll see a voltage drop at the radio.)
Lots of cooling vents.
Heavy input cable.
30A binding posts at the output.
You can even find a good power supply used on e-Bay.