Microphone needed
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010, Henry wrote:
I need a microphone for an Icom IC-229H 2m mobile rig. I don't need a
fancy mike, just one with push to talk will be fine. The mic cable
should have a circular female connector with seven pins in an outside
circle and one pin in the center.
So you want instructions on how to make one? Get an electret capsule, one
can dig them out of a variety of consumer electronics such as cheap
telephones and cordless phones and 49MHz walkie talkies, likely most FRS
transceivers and cellphones. You can even buy them. Then find a suitable
enclosure. If it's hand held, you want a box that will fit your hand, not
too large. Then find a switch that will be comfortable to operate, a lot
of consumer electronics will offer up circuit board mounted switches that
would be suitable if you figured out a way to mount them and activate
them. Then find a cord and wire it up.
A desk microphone, you'd need to cook up some sort of gooseneck for it,
but you can now even buy "computer microphones" for a few dollars that
have the electret microphone and the gooseneck. Figure out a switch and
wire it all up.
If you are trying to buy a microphone, there are newsgroups for that.
If you were looking for recommendations, there is at least one newsgroup
for that.
Michael VE2BVW