Need some help identifying this tank circuit - attached files (01/14)
In message , Buck Frobisher
"tg" wrote in message
I found this box at a junk dealer and thought it would be usefully.
take a look at the pic's and let me know if you know what it is and how
it was used. I was unable to find any identifying marks ( model # /
maker etc...). I would like to use it as part of a crystal radio.
Thanks for the help.
You sure picked an awkward way to post these pictures, a 14-part MIME file?
Try sizing them to something appropriate next time, and posting
individual fils. You'll have more people able to see them!
So THAT'S what the photos were! My news reader doesn't willingly join
split files together. And I agree about the re-sizing. Very few pictures
on this NG are worth more that about 100kB and, for the majority, even
this is overkill (especially if they are out of focus). I would hate to
be on a dial-up service.