RF amplifier
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December 4th 03, 05:36 AM
Dr. Anton Squeegee
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Hi Group,
My wavetek sig gen covers 100KHz to 512 MHz and puts out about 10mW. I need a
simple circuit to cover HF which will boost this up to 500mW. I would like to
try out the signal generator as a low power CW transmitter.
This is not something I would recommend. While the theory is that
good RF test equipment should have better spectral purity, and lack of
harmonics, than the radio gear it's testing, my experiences with Wavetek
along these lines have not been good.
Anyone have a simple wideband circuit that could cover 3.5 to 28 MHz?
My gut reaction is that "Simple" and "Wideband" do not go together
in this context as far as a clean signal is concerned. Suggest examining
the 'Radio Amateur's Handbook' and 'RF Design for the Radio Amateur' (I
think that's the title) for design considerations.
I still think that, if you want to just do a simple QRP CW
transmitter, you'd be better off going with one of the existing designs
in one of those two books (or similar such pubs).
Dr. Anton Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR)
kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t c&o&m
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