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Old December 4th 03, 03:09 PM
Master of the universe and supreme ruler of all li
Posts: n/a

Qn1) Could someone recommend list of electronic components that i should
stock up on for starting my radio projects?
I wanted to order stuff from various sources like digikey etc. I dont want
to be at a loss of components when i start experimenting.

A range of the most common resistor values from 10R to 10M. A total of 500
pcs can already be bought as a "kit" from many shops.

A range of common caps from 10pf to 220uf, but not all that many values.
Perhaps a few of each decade (10p, 100p, 1n, 10n, 100n, 1u, 10, 100u) with a
few extra in the range of 10p to 100p and 1n to 47n (values used for

A slack handfull of general purpose transistors, such as BC547 (NPN) and
BC557 (PNP).

Op amps - 741, 324, 358, 386.

A good tip is to visit your local dump. A telly, a VCR and the odd defunct
transistor radio can be a goldmine, especially for mains transformers,
coils, tuning caps, pots and even hook-up wire.

MOST IMPORTANT - A catalogue from your local radio component supplier. You
can't stock everything. The above will alllow you to assemble a few simple
circuits, but for anything decent you will still have to buy/beg/borrw or

Don't forget to ask them for their PDF library on CD. The catalogues usually
give you loads of circuits, pinouts and data. If you are going to spend $15
on a small selection of components, do what you have done here and hint that
you are going to buy loads of stuff, build loads of projects, and they
usually give you all sorts of freebies.

BR Harry