Restored Antique Radios FS
Just be sure to click on the "Radios for sale icon" to view the sets!
These investment quality Fully Restored radios will give you the advantage
of a set that has indeed been RESTORED, and not simply fixed, repaired,
spiffed up, or outsourced to another servicer or refinisher for work.
I have 29 years of experience in Antique Radio restoration and combine that
with my full time day job of MRI coil and system development and expertise
in Failure analysis to produce a restoration that has had detailed
attention given to each part of the radio, and not just a simple gutting of
the electronics or recapping of the chassis.
Each questionable part is replaced, wiring is examined, all tubes
are tested and replaced if necessary, mechanical assemblies are
disassembled, cleaned, relubed and aligned. Each set also gets a new
powercord that is grounded or polarized and an AC line fuse is added if not
already equipped.
Cabinets get detailed veneer repair and replacement if necessary
from an extensive inventory of vintage veneer, dial bezels are restored,
each knob is refinished or detail cleaned, Photofinish is recreated if
necessary and 7 coats of hand rubbed finish are applied. The result is
stunning and gives the purchaser a set that will be around and working for
many, many, years to come. Please visit the above website for even more info
about me and my restorations.
My Restorations are just what you're looking for if you want a set that
looks and works as new. These are completely redone, not only part of the
cabinet is refinished and another part left cobbled up, the entire unit is
restored. These restorations are not simple "Recappings with a new power
cord" I tend to every part of the chassis that needs attention, cleaning and
relubing mechanical parts, rebuilding of dial assemblies, detailed
refinishing or cleaning of knobs and bezels and any specific needs of a
particular chassis. My sets are not "over restored", I don't rip every
component and wire from the chassis and replace it just because its old,
these sets are preserved in as much of their original state as possible to
keep them reliable and safe. 30 years of doing antique radio restoration
goes into knowing just what needs to be done and just how it should be done
when I restore one.
Keith Park