Old "Boat Anchor" tube receivers vs. Solid State receivers?
Bob Dobbs wrote:
Clive wrote:
Even on CW or
SSB I doubt most listeners can even detect 100 cycles of instability.
I can definitely tell when some station is ten or more kcs off where I'm tuned,
and go to the RIT automatically. If they continue to drift, I might chase them
awhile, but usually move on, suggesting they sober up and quit leaning on the
VFO knob.
My receiver is stable to less than a twentieth of a cycle over several months.
(Using WWV as a reference)
100 Hz is a noticeable change in pitch. A 50 Hz step makes listening to
music on SSB very difficult. I do my major DXing through a 250 Hz
filter, so if you drift you go bye-bye.