Old "Boat Anchor" tube receivers vs. Solid State receivers?
On Mar 8, 6:20*am, "Clive" wrote:
You believe because you've dropped the big bucks and WANT to believe.
But most of it is hype and the *EIA has done a superb job of convincing
consumers how badly they need the new whistles and bells. There is
very little difference between the propaganda used today by the drug
companies to sell
their nonsense snake oil *("restless legs syndrome," etc) and that which the
has come
from manufacturers of modern day radios.
Save your money, pick up a cheap older rig and you'll enjoy it as much as
(if not more than)
the rigs filled with rarely used features and performance specifications
that are
patently unnecessary.
And while I am at it, my quote was that "MOST" can discern the difference
in 100 cycles. I didn't say ALL. This group seems include many Doberman
with keen hearing.
What a *bunch of nitpicky old ladies
are on here.
Clive, I have an Icom R75, and although some will diss this radio, I
can tell I enjoy the "bells and whistles" a great deal. The stability
and crispness of the signal (both driftwise and in terms of AGC and S-
AM) that can be achieved with this radio is quite nice. The S-AM on
this set is only so-so, from what I understand - I would love to hear
what the really good S-AM (on a more recent Drake, for example) sounds