Tektronix is Grrreeaatttt!!!
Isn't free speech a wonderful thing? I followed the Tek thread with
interest and am wondering if the whiners actually:
1. Have a use for instruments of this caliber
2. Know how to use them properly
I have used Tektronix instruments for almost 30 years now, and don't
know how I could have got along without them. Most of my work has been
in commercial radio and television.
The manuals are written incredibly well, and I have received
assistance from tech support on devices more than 25 years old. Try
that with Hitachi, Leader or Phillips or Sony. And I could still get
parts for them!
I reflect with fondness on repairing a device like a waveform monitor,
more than 20 years old, and finding a small coil of silver solder on
the chassis in a place that was designed for it, tucked neatly in its
own "home." Tek has used silver solder for decades now...they have
always known it makes a better solder joint...and they want their
stuff to keep on working, 24/7 for years and years. So they put their
money where their mouth is, and provide the end user with what they
consider to be a lifetime supply (for that instrument) of the stuff.
And now I hear that they desroy their own equipment so they can sell
more new stuff?! Baloney.
I think I am hearing from people who not only do not understand that
"you get what you pay for," but have no use for the quality and
accuracy of the products they are complaining about.
Merry Chirstmas and Happy Holidays to all.