How small?
How much?
How fast?
How cheap?
Go to the nearest garage sale and pick up a couple of sets of
Walkman one-piece style with a single wire going into one earpiece, with
another going over the headband to the other earpiece. Get out the
cutters and snip off the connector and headphones and you have in your
hand, a
piece of two conductor shielded cable!
It's pretty small diameter, and has small conductors, but not near as
small as
the cable used to wire up phono cartridges....
Another source is radio shack. Go in and buy a headphone extension
cable with
mini-plug and jack, then cut off the ends. You can get these up to 15
long (or so), but the cost per foot is higher than the garage sale
(but at least it's new cable). They also used to sell a stereo
that was for listening to your tv, and the cord was about 25 feet
pretty inexpensive at the time too, at least it was cheaper than an
length of their "extension" cables... Of course these day, you'd
probably be
lucky to find even the stereo headphone extension cable if your
rat-shack is
anything like the one near me...
If you need large quantities of this sort of stuff, you should be able
to get
it from any of a number of commercial wire distributors. Think
wire and you'll be in the right section.
--Rick AH7H
FAZAMY wrote:
I have 24 AWG two conductor plus copper shield cable. I need smaller size
cable like this. Is this stuff available and if so, where can I order it?