Bob Dobbs wrote:
The first ones I got were the Sanyo 'eneloop' brand and they're still in
service, although I've acquired others (Hybrio etc) from various manufacturers.
I haven't had the kind of extraordinary experience that would have me favoring
any one brand over another, as long as they're the new formula low self
discharge, so called hybrid, NIMH.
Here in Israel, they are not generally available. Everywhere you go, you
can find Recyco brand ones, from a Hong Kong company called GP.
The first batch I bought were packaged with a dumb charger, the kind where
you put the batteries in and when you get bored seeing the green light stay
on, you take out. Even with 24 hours charging, they never "filled" up.
I switched to an intelligent charger, but they were duds, and soon were
dead. Since then, I have bought several sets, kept them in only in good
chargers and they have been fine. I plan to buy more in the near future.
Due to the high taxes here, they are around $25 for a set of four, so I
have not been rushing out to buy them. I will keep waiting for a sale.
The ones that do work, do so by having higher internal resistance than the
regular ones. Less than alkeline, more than NiCad or regular ones, so
they will not work in all applications.
From what I have read, there are only 3 factories that make them, so it
is likely that the higher priced ones are all from Sanyo (or whosever they
buy) anyway.
In the shortwave portable I use those Lenmar AA2D shells* and still haven't ever
run it down enough to have to switch to the spare quartet I carry in the field.
The digital camera leans far heavier on batteries than the SW portable, and the
new formula nimmies work out well in it too.
Thanks for the link, I need them and they are not sold here.
Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel
New word I coined 12/13/09, "Sub-Wikipedia" adj, describing knowledge or
understanding, as in he has a sub-wikipedia understanding of the situation.
i.e possessing less facts or information than can be found in the Wikipedia.