Edward Knobloch wrote:
Pete Millett has recently moved to a new hosting site, and expanded
his collection of old electronics textbooks available for download.
The new site is he
I just want to point out here that the one, most amazing and wonderful
thing that Mr. Millett has done has been to not only scan and make available
the always-rare RCA HB-3 tube handbook, but also to cross-index it so that
individual tube data sheets could be found quickly online.
The HB-3 manual is the one that was sold to engineers designing equipment,
as opposed to the RC manuals sold to servicepeople or available at your
local electronics parts place. It contains all the curves for everything
RCA made and it is just a tremendous and wonderful resource. I cannot thank
Mr. Millett enough for making this available.
I say that even having obtained a paper copy of the whole manual... the online
version is just faster to find material in.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."