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Old December 10th 03, 06:10 AM
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QST is a good mag but if you want to learn to use a scope, you really aren't
going to learn it from QST. A 2 page article that might show up once every
3 years isn't going to get the job done for you.
pThe "Hands On..." book by Barry Ross is certianly good but whomever
is asking $120 for it is either an out and out thief, or is completely
out to lunch.  That's a $20 book and you can probably get one for
less on eBay if you watch and wait.  Someone mentioned "Use of the
Oscilloscope - A Programmed Text" : this is excellent for first time user;
it was written for a university course. Guaranteed to get you up and running
with the scope.
pUwe Langmesser wrote:
blockquote TYPE=CITEI was very interested in all that talk about how
much Tektronics sucks
bralthough after reading most of it I don't think it reflects my concerns.
pI just recently bought an old 465 and am learning to use it and I was
brwondering if with so many knowledgable folks somebody could recommend
a good
brbook which would teach the intricacies of using this level of equipment.
brHopefully with good hands on examples and not on a trivial level which
brme to wear eye protection when using any Tektronics product.
pRegards from snowy Maine