DEFCON 88 wrote:
On Apr 22, 2:45 pm, Kevin Alfred Strom
Gregg wrote:
Kevin - I was asked this and didn't know myself. When you make this
post every week, is this what the next program is going to be about?
Follow me? Is this a "guide" to the upcoming Saturday night show? TIA
Peter's right -- it's a guide for some of the more notable moments
in the _recording_ that was just posted. I'm sorry if that wasn't
more clear. Since the Liberty Net is really not a show at all, but a
loosely-structured open discussion with an emphasis on free speech,
there'd be no way for me to predict what will be on the air next week!
Every week Marty, N2IRJ, uploads his recording of the Net, and I
post a link to that recording in the "Liberty Net Audio" list in the
upper right column on usually within one day of
the Net itself. Then a few days later I post my article with a brief
discussion of the highlights.
With best regards,
Kevin, WB4AIO.
Your efforts are much appreciated, but may I suggest that
"April 17 Liberty Net" might be less confusing than saying
"Liberty Net for Week of April 17-24".
Maybe you're right -- but I hate to have an article title that
discourages the uninitiated from reading it because they might think
it's "out of date."
Maybe I should just title them with a snippet from some discussion
theme, and leave the time-stamping to the recording (which N2IRJ
always timestamps), the CMS, and Usenet.
With every good wish,
Kevin, WB4AIO.