Left-Wingers Who Caused Subprime Meltdown Have Yet To Face Justice
On 4/27/10 14:33 , bpnjensen wrote:
On Apr 27, 12:26 pm, DEFCON wrote:
On Apr 26, 8:22 pm, ∅baMa∅ Tse wrote:
he left-wing architects of the subprime mortgage collapse have yet to
be called to account.
They'll never be called to account while the Marxist Mafia runs the
federal govt and most of the news media.
That's right! Socialism rules! You rightwing Fascist wackos are
toast! Hahahhahahhah!
Ahem....the Chicago delegation would like to remind the Gentleman
from California that a banquet in Cicero has been planned in the
honor of the Marxist Mafia.
We'll provide the Louisville Sluggers.
You may want to bring a towel.