Cicero Venatio wrote:
I wonder who in AZ provides employment for a half million people?
Throw a few of these employers in jail and their fellow criminal
employers will fire all of the half million illegals.
not that easy. If you want a law suit filed against you for racial
discrimination by the state or the feds, or you could be sued by
Chicanos por la Causa or La Raza for being racist. Also all of these
people have documentation, it may be forged documentation, but how can
you tell. Simple solutions are for simpletons. The flaw in the
e-verify system was there was no picture of the individual in the
database, but maybe in the future they will have some sort of system
where employers can actually find out if the employee is illegal or not.
When the feds bust an employer, they actually have some pictures that
go with the social security numbers, something the employer had no
access to. Sound unfair, or course it is. BTW, do the feds have a
picture of you, "Sid9"? If not an illegal could have a forged a social
security card with "Sid9" "555-11-5555" or whatever your number is, and
how would the employer tell if it was you or someone else, unless there
is a picture to go with it?
The answer is to go back to what America had prior to 1965: a
national origins based immigration system (wherein immigration from
any country was allowed only to the extent of that nationality's
percentage of the already existing American population), and a
race-based definition of citizenship (see the Naturalization Act of
1790, in force until the 1950s). Under such a system, no complicated
set of ID documents would be required -- just a good pair of eyes.
Of course, Central Americans of European descent would easily be
able to sneak through -- but then, they aren't the ones causing
problems, are they?
I know that the Arizona (and other) patriots who want to stop the
invasion from the south fall all over themselves denying that they
have any racial motivation. But if all they really care about is
"what's legal," they might as well quit all their fussing and go
home and watch "Dancing With the Stars."
For "what is legal" can change in a nanosecond -- the moment the
criminals in Washington declare their "amnesty," every invader will
instantaneously become "legal."
And then what will the patriots do? Become honest, and admit that
this is a biological issue, of one people displacing another people
and taking their territory and resources? I hope so. Without
honesty, no solution is possible.
With all good wishes,
Kevin Alfred Strom.