Thread: Winding coils
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Old December 9th 03, 09:57 PM
Steve Nosko
Posts: n/a

OOPS Bill. By the formula, change F and Xl changes! Avery said below;
"reactance changes with frequency" and is correct. Also, if you change L
then Xl changes, but that is not what he said.

Steve N, K,9
d, c. i

"Bill Turner" wrote in message
On 07 Dec 2003 18:25:51 GMT, (Avery Fineman) wrote:

Write on the whiteboard 100 times: Inductance does not change
with frequency...reactance changes with frequency.

__________________________________________________ _______

Not true. Inductance and reactance are related by the formula
XsubL = 2 pi F L. If XsubL has changed, then so has the inductance, and
vice versa.

How could you possibly define it otherwise?
Bill, W6WRT