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Old May 2nd 10, 11:25 AM
328X1 328X1 is offline
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2009
Posts: 30

Originally Posted by scannerman View Post
hi, im new to this and need some help already, i have a commtel com213 handheld scanner. My problem is i cant get it to scan, i have no instruction manual and cant seem to find anything on the internet about this. can anyone help me please?

May have found a reasonably close manual [for a CommTel COM-215] but it's a challenge to decipher, since it's in a foreign language. The photos in the manual lead me to believe this manual deals with a desktop/mobile scanner.
There is also a manual for a COM-205, possibly close in operation.

Not sure exactly what you have, since most internet links seem to allude that a COM-213, is similar to a Uniden Bearcat BC-220XLT [which is a handheld scanner]. Can you provide photos of your unit? That would help in 'nailing down' a manual; or perhaps developing programming/operational procedures.

I've had to do the latter, when no manual was to be found, but it takes a fair amount of effort. [and no fun]